Buon 2018 a tutti !!!!!!
Io l'ho iniziato con una stupenda lezione di Yoga e con una mente pulità pronta a recepire il pensiero sano, positivo, creativo e mi sono chiesta " perché questo hanno mi appare speciale"? Risposta : perché voglio vedere crescere i semi piantati nel 2017 e mantenere salda la felicità interiore acquisita col tempo . Lo Yoga mi ha aiutata enormemente in questo e devo ringraziare il Team di Amarna Blu in Milano e tutto il Team di Hot Dog Yoga Studio qui in Cape Town.
Sono seduta ad un baretto grazioso qui sulla Promenade lungo l' Oceano ed è così vicino a me che lo tocco con gli occhi è piatto come un lago, qualche barchetta a vela, incantata in melodia di canti di gabbiani e uccellini locali, colori della natura e "dulcis in fundus" una cascata di acqua che fluisce in una stupenda piscina di acqua cristallina che mi accompagna in questo mio nuovo post. Confermo , sono in Paradiso.
Lo Yoga non finisce mai, fa parte della mia vita , una sensazione costante di purificazione, stabilità e leggerezza che mi spinge a continuare con la "Parte 3" de "Il Cuore dello Yoga."
Voglio innondarVi di nuove emozioni trasmesse da altre stupende persone che seguono la disciplina dello Yoga , Sono studenti e Insegnanti di Yoga che praticano presso "HOT DOG YOGA STUDIO in Cape Town - Sea Point - qui tutto è in continua evoluzione ed ecco qui i loro cuori parlano e sono onorata di condividere con voi la loro avventura.
LARA HELEN ROUX : Yoga Teacher Vinyasa, Forrest
When did you embrace Yoga discipline and what brought you to become a Yoga Teacher ?
I started at age 23, inspired by my grandmother, who has been practising Yoga for about 40 years with the same teacher for 35 years and then continued with a gentle home practise in her late 80's.
My grandmother was a woman of grace and trengh even though in those days Yoga was not a fashionable or easily accessible as it is today and certainly not as accepted by different religious groups or social standings, she continued to go 3/4 times a week. I now see so, how the practice truly was part of her life, not only of the Asana - keeping her fit and agile, but the philosophies and beliefs on life, including nutrition, health, breath , work etc. These all played a role in her way and her outlook on life and for me she was one of the most special, humble, gentle yet string woman that I ever met. So it's through her silent encouregment that I went and fell instantly in love with it. I continued to practice Yoga on and off. I travelled overseas and varied between self practice and little studios she could find. Sometimes in far off remote places, often just her own makings of what I could remember doing, feeling, seeing.
Throughout my many years of traveling and living in beautiful yet remote places and in that time spenting the hustle and bustle of big cities, Yoga was the one grounding factor. The one element that kept me feeeling sane. I moved back to Cape Town in 2010, not knowing if I could go back into photography or continue in media studies or start life completely over career wise, in corporate. Not trusting the notion of staying and feeling the need to run away from my broken heart, it was Yoga and my Asana practice that kept me connecting to self to seeking my truths and to find breath, committing to life - day by day. It was my therapy, my soul medicine and the joy in some very dark times. I am still think Yoga is just that, medicine for the Soul, whether it makes us laugh, cry, fills us with elation of bares down on us the weight of fear and frustration. So much can be learnt on the mat that truly applies to how we tackle life, how to breath into it.
I was encouraged to do my first teacher training in 2011 and haven't looked back since. At time this changed me in so many ways, but not once I looked back and wishes I had made other plans. I continued to study with wonderful teachers, near and far and I know that for the rest of my life I will be a student of all things Yoga. Seeking the joy, the connection, the breath and sharing what I know. I am grateful for this journey, for the magic carpet ride and all the amazing people and stories I have met and heard along the way (people like you).
How did you find Hot Dog Yoga Studio and how do you feel being part of it?
Hot Dog Yoga Studio was owned by a friend and fellow Yogi, Hylton Jagger and he had asked me to come and teach there after a few month of them opening. Hot Dog Yoga Studio has the most beautiful floors and so much light that streams through those windows and teaching in that room does feel me with a grounded elation.
Describe Hylton with one word
He was an Ecstatic Energy of Light on the earth.
A word of wisdom to share it with the world.
Take the time to discover your gifts, and when you do - share them with the world.
Lara as a teacher gives me strengh on my mat and helps me to manifest it also in my life . She has such a beautiful smile that comes from her heart, that feeds up my mondays of joy.
JUSTINE BARNES : Yoga Teacher Ashtanga - Vinyasa & Restorative
What made you follow Yoga discipline and when have you realised to become a Yoga Instructor?
I transitioned from dance into Yoga as I enjoyed the physical discipline & mind body connection, the rest came to me at the right time on my spiritual journey. I become a Yoga Instructor 7 years ago.
I have had a physical practice for about 15 years.
What brought you in Hot Dog Yoga Studio and what is your feeling to be part of it?
My first Ashtanga teacher moved to Hot Dog Yoga Studio to teach there and I was assisting her so I moved there with her when it opened. It is my second home ;-))))
One word from your heart to describe Hylton Jaggard
Ridiculously charming :))))
Justine as a teacher gives me that touch of lightness in each Yoga position making this amazing discipline flow in a smooth dance. Justine has an innate elegance.
EUGENE VISAGE : Yoga Student
How did you engaged yourself to Yoga and what brought you into your life?
I have been running and cycling for years but always end up at the Physio when doing extensive training for an event. At the start of 2017 while training for the Cape Argus (all that training for nothing...) I realised I need to do something that is more of a long term solution to address issues with both my hips and knees. That is when someone suggested me Yoga. Not only did it address all my issues with training (not only did it better my times/speed but no more Physio and/or Chiroractor) but also been a life changing experience both physically and mentally. Now I am completely hooked I can't imagine a week without at least several Yoga classes.
How did you find Hot Dog Yoga Studio and how do you feel to be part of it?
I got some really good recommendations froms friends that have tried most of the Yoga Studios around Cape Town and it helped that is down the road from my house !So I can run there (relative fast) if I want to be in time for a class (most people have seen me arriving at a class out of breath!). It is a great studio with an awesome energy. I travel a lot for work and have tried several other studios in South Africa and always good to be back at my home base!
A word of wisdom to share it with the world.
The time is always right to do what is right -MARTIN LUTHER KING.
Eugene is my lovely fellow yoga student , we almoust meet our mats next to each other at Yoga classes and we share so much good energy and cannot wait to organise another class together the very next day . He has such a genuine soul.
SAMANTHA LEA : Yoga Student
How did you embrace Yoga and what brought you into your life?
I first tried Yoga about 5 years ago when I moved to Cape Town. I was overweight and couldn't even touch my toes. I grew up as the fat kid that always came last in everything so I hated exercise. Yoga was different though because I found it mentally stimulating so I didn't get bored. I did the same Yoga DVD for 2 yeart before I even knew Yoga studios existed. Then one day I walked past in Claremot and saw they were offering a teacher training course. I wanted to learn more about yoga but books don't really do it justice so I signed up. The thing with Yoga is that the only way to learn is through getting your hands dirty in daily practice. When I first started the TT I didn't know anything about Yoga but I absorbed as much as I could. The Bikram burned me up like nothing I have ever experienced. I learned to face pain and discomfort and more throught it. It was a very healing experience for me.
How did you find Hot Dog Yoga Studio and how do you feel being part of it ?
I found Hot Dog Yoga Studio earlier in 2017 when I moved to Sea Point, Justine tought at Yo Yoga so I learned from her int the TT and did a few of her Ashtanga classes. I thought I was going to be learning more Ashtanga but ended up falling down the Vinyasa rabbit hole. Being at Hot Dog every day has been a very interesting experience. It feels like a sacred space much like a Church or library.
Every teacher has somenthing unique to offer and has helped me along the way. There is something about Yoga that is magic. I don't understand it but I truly believe in it.
A pill of wisdom to share with the world
What I have learnt from Yoga is that just showing up is half the job done. Let the rest take care of itself. You don't have to force or control anything, just let life flow through you. When I am able to do that every other aspect of my becomes more effortless.
Sam is such a diligent fellow Yoga Student and sharing my energy with her on the mat is such a blessed. When she moves on the mat her tattoo Roses start to flow with her it's such a beauty.
GINA LEVY : Yoga Student
What made you follow Yoga Practice and what is giving you into your life ?
Yoga covers all the bases and movement feeds my Soul.
How did you get to know Hot Dog Yoga Studio and what is your feeling to be part of it ?
Hilton Jagger, Hot Dog Yoga Studio is my other family and one of my spiritual spaces.
One word of wisdom to share it with the world.
Yoga is Medicine.
Gina is one of the long-standing students at Hot Dog Yoga Sudio as well as my fellow student and at my beginning of classes in 2016 she was the one who I was following to learn my Vinyasa position, Thank you Gina to share so much good energy and for your lovely smile.
TAMRYN & WAYNE : Yoga Students and Husband & Wife
When did you start to follow Yoga practice ?
Tamryn : I practice Yoga intermittently a few years ago and reconnected with it in 2016. My Yoga
Mentor and friend, Joelle Sleebos, rekindled my passion for the pratice of Yoga.
It is a form of excercise that is wholelistic - creating balance and synergy, which carries over into your everyday life. I was hit by a car few years ago and suffered with back and knee injuries. Yoga has completely transformed my body - alleviating my pain and helding me to understand and listen to the inner workings of my body!
Wayne : for many years I tried various forms of exercise that I can continue unto old age and the older I get, the better I get at Yoga.
How did you embrace the Hot Dog Yoga Studio and what is your feeling being part of it ?
Tamryn and Wayne : We lived in Sea Point and it was important to us to find a Studio that was part of our local community. We enjoy the fact that we lived so close to the studio and that there are a lot of classes on offer. We also enjoy the fact that all levels are welcome and there is no judgement.
One pill of wisdom that touched you in your life
Tamryn : extremes are easy - strive for balance !
Wayne : don't be so hard on yourself and have that extra glass of wine occasionally!
Tamryn and Wayne is an amazing couple that share this amazing discipline with so much passion and love . I met Tamryn at the bus stop to Waterfront and we started our lovely friendship meeting us every day at the Hot Dog Yoga Studio. By now Tamryn and Wayne had a new opportunity in life so they just moved to France, I am happy for them but I really missed them alot at our Yoga Classes, such a blessed to have met them on my life path.
Well I am realy blessed to have met such a beautiful people here in Cape Town and have to thank the Universe to have pushed me at HOT DOG YOGA STUDIO .
My heartfelt thanks go to Lara, Justine, Eugene, Samantha, Gina, Tamryn and Wayne to have participate in my Yoga Post helping other people to know more about Yoga Life. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
To be followed "Il Cuore dello Yoga - Part 4" - I will introduce the new Owners of Hot Dog Yoga Studio whom put in it so much Creativy, Love and Efforts to improve this Amazing Yoga Studio!
Ci vediamo Presto !!! (Means see you soon )!!!!
Rosie Troveri
Io l'ho iniziato con una stupenda lezione di Yoga e con una mente pulità pronta a recepire il pensiero sano, positivo, creativo e mi sono chiesta " perché questo hanno mi appare speciale"? Risposta : perché voglio vedere crescere i semi piantati nel 2017 e mantenere salda la felicità interiore acquisita col tempo . Lo Yoga mi ha aiutata enormemente in questo e devo ringraziare il Team di Amarna Blu in Milano e tutto il Team di Hot Dog Yoga Studio qui in Cape Town.
Sono seduta ad un baretto grazioso qui sulla Promenade lungo l' Oceano ed è così vicino a me che lo tocco con gli occhi è piatto come un lago, qualche barchetta a vela, incantata in melodia di canti di gabbiani e uccellini locali, colori della natura e "dulcis in fundus" una cascata di acqua che fluisce in una stupenda piscina di acqua cristallina che mi accompagna in questo mio nuovo post. Confermo , sono in Paradiso.
Lo Yoga non finisce mai, fa parte della mia vita , una sensazione costante di purificazione, stabilità e leggerezza che mi spinge a continuare con la "Parte 3" de "Il Cuore dello Yoga."
Voglio innondarVi di nuove emozioni trasmesse da altre stupende persone che seguono la disciplina dello Yoga , Sono studenti e Insegnanti di Yoga che praticano presso "HOT DOG YOGA STUDIO in Cape Town - Sea Point - qui tutto è in continua evoluzione ed ecco qui i loro cuori parlano e sono onorata di condividere con voi la loro avventura.
LARA HELEN ROUX : Yoga Teacher Vinyasa, Forrest
When did you embrace Yoga discipline and what brought you to become a Yoga Teacher ?
I started at age 23, inspired by my grandmother, who has been practising Yoga for about 40 years with the same teacher for 35 years and then continued with a gentle home practise in her late 80's.
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Lara Helen Roux |
Throughout my many years of traveling and living in beautiful yet remote places and in that time spenting the hustle and bustle of big cities, Yoga was the one grounding factor. The one element that kept me feeeling sane. I moved back to Cape Town in 2010, not knowing if I could go back into photography or continue in media studies or start life completely over career wise, in corporate. Not trusting the notion of staying and feeling the need to run away from my broken heart, it was Yoga and my Asana practice that kept me connecting to self to seeking my truths and to find breath, committing to life - day by day. It was my therapy, my soul medicine and the joy in some very dark times. I am still think Yoga is just that, medicine for the Soul, whether it makes us laugh, cry, fills us with elation of bares down on us the weight of fear and frustration. So much can be learnt on the mat that truly applies to how we tackle life, how to breath into it.
I was encouraged to do my first teacher training in 2011 and haven't looked back since. At time this changed me in so many ways, but not once I looked back and wishes I had made other plans. I continued to study with wonderful teachers, near and far and I know that for the rest of my life I will be a student of all things Yoga. Seeking the joy, the connection, the breath and sharing what I know. I am grateful for this journey, for the magic carpet ride and all the amazing people and stories I have met and heard along the way (people like you).
How did you find Hot Dog Yoga Studio and how do you feel being part of it?
Hot Dog Yoga Studio was owned by a friend and fellow Yogi, Hylton Jagger and he had asked me to come and teach there after a few month of them opening. Hot Dog Yoga Studio has the most beautiful floors and so much light that streams through those windows and teaching in that room does feel me with a grounded elation.
Describe Hylton with one word
He was an Ecstatic Energy of Light on the earth.
A word of wisdom to share it with the world.
Take the time to discover your gifts, and when you do - share them with the world.
Lara as a teacher gives me strengh on my mat and helps me to manifest it also in my life . She has such a beautiful smile that comes from her heart, that feeds up my mondays of joy.
JUSTINE BARNES : Yoga Teacher Ashtanga - Vinyasa & Restorative
What made you follow Yoga discipline and when have you realised to become a Yoga Instructor?
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Justine Barnes |
I have had a physical practice for about 15 years.
What brought you in Hot Dog Yoga Studio and what is your feeling to be part of it?
My first Ashtanga teacher moved to Hot Dog Yoga Studio to teach there and I was assisting her so I moved there with her when it opened. It is my second home ;-))))
One word from your heart to describe Hylton Jaggard
Ridiculously charming :))))
Justine as a teacher gives me that touch of lightness in each Yoga position making this amazing discipline flow in a smooth dance. Justine has an innate elegance.
EUGENE VISAGE : Yoga Student
How did you engaged yourself to Yoga and what brought you into your life?
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Eugene Visage |
How did you find Hot Dog Yoga Studio and how do you feel to be part of it?
I got some really good recommendations froms friends that have tried most of the Yoga Studios around Cape Town and it helped that is down the road from my house !So I can run there (relative fast) if I want to be in time for a class (most people have seen me arriving at a class out of breath!). It is a great studio with an awesome energy. I travel a lot for work and have tried several other studios in South Africa and always good to be back at my home base!
A word of wisdom to share it with the world.
The time is always right to do what is right -MARTIN LUTHER KING.
Eugene is my lovely fellow yoga student , we almoust meet our mats next to each other at Yoga classes and we share so much good energy and cannot wait to organise another class together the very next day . He has such a genuine soul.
SAMANTHA LEA : Yoga Student
How did you embrace Yoga and what brought you into your life?
I first tried Yoga about 5 years ago when I moved to Cape Town. I was overweight and couldn't even touch my toes. I grew up as the fat kid that always came last in everything so I hated exercise. Yoga was different though because I found it mentally stimulating so I didn't get bored. I did the same Yoga DVD for 2 yeart before I even knew Yoga studios existed. Then one day I walked past in Claremot and saw they were offering a teacher training course. I wanted to learn more about yoga but books don't really do it justice so I signed up. The thing with Yoga is that the only way to learn is through getting your hands dirty in daily practice. When I first started the TT I didn't know anything about Yoga but I absorbed as much as I could. The Bikram burned me up like nothing I have ever experienced. I learned to face pain and discomfort and more throught it. It was a very healing experience for me.
Samantha Lea |
I found Hot Dog Yoga Studio earlier in 2017 when I moved to Sea Point, Justine tought at Yo Yoga so I learned from her int the TT and did a few of her Ashtanga classes. I thought I was going to be learning more Ashtanga but ended up falling down the Vinyasa rabbit hole. Being at Hot Dog every day has been a very interesting experience. It feels like a sacred space much like a Church or library.
Every teacher has somenthing unique to offer and has helped me along the way. There is something about Yoga that is magic. I don't understand it but I truly believe in it.
A pill of wisdom to share with the world
What I have learnt from Yoga is that just showing up is half the job done. Let the rest take care of itself. You don't have to force or control anything, just let life flow through you. When I am able to do that every other aspect of my becomes more effortless.
Sam is such a diligent fellow Yoga Student and sharing my energy with her on the mat is such a blessed. When she moves on the mat her tattoo Roses start to flow with her it's such a beauty.
GINA LEVY : Yoga Student
What made you follow Yoga Practice and what is giving you into your life ?
Yoga covers all the bases and movement feeds my Soul.
How did you get to know Hot Dog Yoga Studio and what is your feeling to be part of it ?
Hilton Jagger, Hot Dog Yoga Studio is my other family and one of my spiritual spaces.
One word of wisdom to share it with the world.
Yoga is Medicine.
Gina is one of the long-standing students at Hot Dog Yoga Sudio as well as my fellow student and at my beginning of classes in 2016 she was the one who I was following to learn my Vinyasa position, Thank you Gina to share so much good energy and for your lovely smile.
TAMRYN & WAYNE : Yoga Students and Husband & Wife
When did you start to follow Yoga practice ?
Tamryn : I practice Yoga intermittently a few years ago and reconnected with it in 2016. My Yoga
Mentor and friend, Joelle Sleebos, rekindled my passion for the pratice of Yoga.
It is a form of excercise that is wholelistic - creating balance and synergy, which carries over into your everyday life. I was hit by a car few years ago and suffered with back and knee injuries. Yoga has completely transformed my body - alleviating my pain and helding me to understand and listen to the inner workings of my body!
Wayne : for many years I tried various forms of exercise that I can continue unto old age and the older I get, the better I get at Yoga.
How did you embrace the Hot Dog Yoga Studio and what is your feeling being part of it ?
Tamryn and Wayne : We lived in Sea Point and it was important to us to find a Studio that was part of our local community. We enjoy the fact that we lived so close to the studio and that there are a lot of classes on offer. We also enjoy the fact that all levels are welcome and there is no judgement.
One pill of wisdom that touched you in your life
Tamryn : extremes are easy - strive for balance !
Wayne : don't be so hard on yourself and have that extra glass of wine occasionally!
Tamryn and Wayne is an amazing couple that share this amazing discipline with so much passion and love . I met Tamryn at the bus stop to Waterfront and we started our lovely friendship meeting us every day at the Hot Dog Yoga Studio. By now Tamryn and Wayne had a new opportunity in life so they just moved to France, I am happy for them but I really missed them alot at our Yoga Classes, such a blessed to have met them on my life path.
Well I am realy blessed to have met such a beautiful people here in Cape Town and have to thank the Universe to have pushed me at HOT DOG YOGA STUDIO .
My heartfelt thanks go to Lara, Justine, Eugene, Samantha, Gina, Tamryn and Wayne to have participate in my Yoga Post helping other people to know more about Yoga Life. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
To be followed "Il Cuore dello Yoga - Part 4" - I will introduce the new Owners of Hot Dog Yoga Studio whom put in it so much Creativy, Love and Efforts to improve this Amazing Yoga Studio!
Ci vediamo Presto !!! (Means see you soon )!!!!
Rosie Troveri
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