IL CUORE dello YOGA - Part 2 -
Il CUORE dello YOGA continua con " Parte 2."
Lo YOGA è una filosofia di vita nata in India duemila anni fa.
Da li nuovi insegnamenti sono stati tramandati , ma il fine ultimo dello Yoga è sempre lo stesso :
"guidarci alla ricerca dell'equilibrio tra Corpo, Mente e Anima."
Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, uno dei più importanti Maestri di Yoga, è colui che ha insegnato a
Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja (fondatore del Iyengar Yoga) e Pattabhi Jois (fondatore dell'Ashtanga Yoga) i principali artefici della diffusione dello Yoga occidentale.
Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya disse "La pratica deve adattarsi di continuo ai bisogno del discepolo".
Proprio così . Confermo, i miei Maestri di Yoga ci accompagnano alla disciplina senza forzare, ma ci aiutano a stimolare le nostre forze ascoltando il nostro corpo senza giudizio .
Qui a HOT DOG YOGA STUDIO altri maestri che seguo e studenti aprono i loro cuori alla mia intervista che continua imperterrita .
BEATRICE ASSELTA: Teacher of Vinyasa and Yin Vinyasa.
What made you follow Yoga discipline and what did Yoga
brought you into your life?
I attended my first Yoga class in 2012. I started as everyone else,
being very clumsy and disconnected despite many years of contemporary dance other disciplines.
There is something about how the practise brings such a deep transformation on many levels by just starting to be aware of the
way I move and breath. Years later Yoga, meditation and ceremony have become my daily medicine, my inspiration and my life.
What inspired you to share the discipline of Yoga?
What inspired me to share the discipline of Yoga is the goodness that it brought into my life. The potential to heal oneself with our own resources. The way it helped me being more conscious, balanced and accepting in my life. My wish is just to support this process of self discovery and trasformation for others.
How did you found out about Hot Dog Yoga Studio?
I found out about Hot Dog Yoga Studio by driving through Sea Point, as it is very well advertised. I heard through a friend they were looking for teachers, so I went for an interview with Laura Santoni and Andi Berghouse. Their friendliness and frankness the light coming through the window in the main Studio just hooked me !
What brought you in Cape Town?
I fell in love with Cape Town the first time I visited in 2005. I am Italian and have family living here. It's the deep feeling of being home that made me stay after my second visit in 2011. Cape Town is such an ?inspiring, vibrant and nurturing city. Soul food!
Share a pill of wisdom to the world
You are worthy of yourself! There is infinite potential taking just a conscious breath.
"Beatrice mi ha trasmessa da subito un senso di protezione nella pratica, il suo costante tocco dopo la pratica nella mia posizione di relax mi fa sempre sentire coccolata !"
VANYA KEREN : Teacher of infused Yoga Styles.
What made you follow Yoga discipline and when have you realised to become a Yoga teacher?
There was something magic about it that I could't quite grasp. All I knew was that things were changing and intrigued me. I become curious. I initially never wanted to teach Yoga persay, I did my first TT course to further my own physical and internal practice. As they say in the classics..."the rest is History".
How did you discover Hot Dog Yoga Studio ?
I was friend with Hylton.
One word to describe Hylton Jaggard
Exceptional /Extraordinary !
Could you give me one pill of your wisdom ?
Stick to the TEA -(i.e. Be present) and PUT the glass down ! (i.e. let go) .
"Vanya mi fa danzare leggera nella forte pratica e mi entusiasma perché è sempre imprevedibile !"
MARK BLAND : Teacher of Hatha, Vinyasa, Swara / life coach /Owner of Satori Africa Travel Agency.
What made you follow Yoga discipline and what is the change that brought it into your life?
Having Always battled with anxiety, finding ways of dealing with this as well as the chaos of our every day 21st century life has always been somenthing I have focused on. However, like most people often talking about , it is way easier than doing something about it.And this was the case for
many years until I read an inpiring articles about a Yoga teacher and life coach, Sharni, in Cape Town (she was soon to be my first ever Yoga teacher as well as our wellness endorser at Satori!)
Reading the article was almost like a tick box of pertinent questions that seemed to all be directed straight to me and I soon found myself associating with so many of the thoughts she was talking about. I prompty went to my once a week Yoga class to still my mind and shut off the inner voices of my ego and anxiety and carried along pretty happily for a few months . It was only when I injured my ankle pretty seriously (after numerous injuries of various forms through boxing, trail running and bad office posture) that I committed to doing Yoga more regularly in order to start respcting my body more. It only toke me 8 months of a more rigorous Yoga routine for me to eventually quit my job and enrol on a Yoga teacher training course. For me what was beautiful about this journey is that Yoga started with a decision to heal my mind rather than heal and build my body. What I love is that Yoga now reflects my daily life through my mind, body and efforts and has changed me and my life course for ever. I had created my own saddhana.
How did you find out Hot Dog Yoga Studio?
One of my closest mentor and friend, (thanks to Yoga!) Will . He taught at Hot Dog Studio and told me how much I would love it and convinced me to come give it a try. A lot of my favourite teachers taught here so I decided to give it a go. After only 2 weeks of practicing there a whole group of us went off to Spirit Fest, a magical festival of yoga, meditation and awesome energies, and our camp site suddenly was a little crew of Hot Dog yogi's ! In the shortest time I suddenly had a new circle of friends and have been hooked to Hot Dog since. What also love is that whilst I try juggle the stress and workload of running my own small and new business I know I can come to the Studio a short while before the class or stay for some times with amazing teachers and students and leave smiling and inspired to get stuck back to work.
What has led you to evolve to teach Yoga ?
I have Always loved teaching and coaching people. I used to coach boxing and occcasionally
do some hospitality training. In fact I always say that I could rewind a little I would maybe consider
being a full time teacher. However when I did my Yoga teacher training it was not my goal to necessary teach Yoga as such. I loved to practice Yoga and so wanted to do the course (in Thailand)
before launching my business as a mental break but also as a way for me to deepen my practice.
I was convinced that if I taugh Yoga it would feel like a job and that passion and joy I got from it would lessen. But I was wrong! When I got back from my training I was practicing at the Shala in Gardens . I have been inspired through hte teaching of Tamsnin , the owner, but I didn't quite feel ready yet. It was with the move to Hod Dog Yoga Studio and with the pushing of Will, Justine , Andi and Laura that I then decided to give it a go.Teaching allows you to connect to people on a completely different level. Within in the Studio space, people who are so used to putting up walls in this world share with you their vulnerabilities, emotions and laughter. They move, breathe, sweat and meditate together on a common journey.
Teaching and practicing is addictive!
Give me one pill of your wisdom to share it with the world
Treat your life as your own saddhana and find stillness through your own mindfulness, no matter where you are. In the modern world it is vital for us to find "noice" getaway - somewhere to just be you -
"Mark mi fa sorridere e gioire ogni volta che pratico la sua classe di Yoga dopo tanto sudare e grazie a lui di recente sono riuscita a fare Pincha Mayurasana per la prima volta e questo mi ha fatto saltare di gioia".
CHRIS VLOK : Teacher of Bikram, Vinyasa, Power Vinyasa .
How did you embrace the journey of Yoga and when did you decide to share it as a teacher?
I first stepped into a classroom at the age of 19, I started off with practicing Bikram and soon moved
on to Vinyasa and Power Yoga, I noticed a change in myself both physically and emotionally, I had begun the process of freeing my soul and it felt amazing, I continued to practice for a few years until I reached a moment in my life where I found myself wanting to give the gift of Yoga to others who could also change their lives through the practice. I received my certification in June 2016 with a bright smile and eager heart. It has been my profession since that time and hopefully it will be for many more happy years to come.
How did you find Hot Dog Yoga Studio and describe your feeling to be part of it?
I found Hot Dog through the advice of a fellow yogi complimented the Studio on the level of teaching it had. I become intrigued as soon went to practice. It was just such a lovely place that I found myself wanting to go back. Through the lovely Joelle, who put me in contact with the owners, I was able to snatch up a well sought after position at the Studio. I have grown in the space and it has been journey of great joy to be a part of it. Candice and Christophe are just the best people to be in charge so I feel as though we are heading in a wonderful direction.
A pill of wisdom from your heart
Measure twice, cut once.
"Chris mi dona forza, velocità e quiete nello stesso tempo con la sua voce Angelica nel guidarmi in ogni sua classe costantemente".
MANDISA NDULI: Yoga Warrior - Teacher of Vinyasa , Power Vinyasa
What has led you to evolve to teach Yoga and what change brought into your life ?
I found Yoga in 2013.
I remember seeing a man from a video about his journey that went vira, it was about his emotional transformation through Yoga and I was craving that in my life at the time. When I did my first class, I fell in love, I wanted so much Yoga that I decided to do a teacher training, in order to share this gift with the world.
How did you discover Hot Dog Yoga Studio ?
I had heard about it from friends of friends who suggested I try it out. I decided to try it out and fell in love with the place and immediately got in touch with the owners, so I could teach and be part of the space. It feels like home, an open space with No judgment around.
Best words of wisdom for you
The best words my mom always used to tell me when I was not feeling confident in myself : " Baby girl, you don't owe anyone anything !!!!" I still tell myself this and it still motivates me.
"Mandisa mi fa stare coi piedi ben piantati a terra, mi stimola ad andare oltre la forza fisica , seguire le sue classi è una continua evoluzione. Con lei è stato feeling a prima vista."
RACHEL ESRA: Yoga Student - Student Master in public health and immunology
Tell me about you engaging Yoga discipline
I first encountered Yoga after visiting a friend in Perù and have gradually build up a more consistent practice over the years. Yoga brings me balance, stability and provides me with a space in which I can clear my head. More than anything it gives me an opportunity to find stillness amongst all the other things in my life. Yoga has also introduced me to amazing community of teachers all fellow students and has helped me cultivate an awereness of my actions the way in which I interact with Others.
How did you land in Hot Dog Yoga Studio and how do you feel about it ?
I started practicing at Hot Dog Yoga Studio because I lived in the area and after a couple of years I started working behind the reception desk. I am really grateful to have been a small part of the team at the Studio. The teachers and management team have created a space that is completely safe and welcoming and over the years it has become a place I can really rely on to bring me peace of mind.
One pill of wisdom to share it with the world
Be kind and understanding. There is huge amount of freedom that comes when you learn to take nothing personally.
"Rachel è mia compagna di classe nonché amica, dolce come il miele , genuina sempre accogliente col suo sorriso e abbraccio, è da coccolare.
Concludo la - " Part 2 " dicendo che Hot Dog Yoga Studio è uno Spazio in cui gli ingredienti sono Gioia, Pace e Armonia e chiaramente un pizzico di "sudata giornaliera " ci sta ci sta!! (così diciamo in italiano).
E non è finita qui ...... ci sarà "Il CUORE dello YOGA - "Part 3".... (TO BE CONTINUED) .......
Qui di seguito ringrazio umilmente con amore i miei sopra elencati insegnanti e compagni di classe :
Beatrice Asselta, Vanya Keren, Mark Bland, Chris Vlok, Mandisa Nduli, Rachel Esra, Hot Dog Yoga Studio.
Rosie Troveri
Lo YOGA è una filosofia di vita nata in India duemila anni fa.
Da li nuovi insegnamenti sono stati tramandati , ma il fine ultimo dello Yoga è sempre lo stesso :
"guidarci alla ricerca dell'equilibrio tra Corpo, Mente e Anima."
Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, uno dei più importanti Maestri di Yoga, è colui che ha insegnato a
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Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya disse "La pratica deve adattarsi di continuo ai bisogno del discepolo".
Proprio così . Confermo, i miei Maestri di Yoga ci accompagnano alla disciplina senza forzare, ma ci aiutano a stimolare le nostre forze ascoltando il nostro corpo senza giudizio .

BEATRICE ASSELTA: Teacher of Vinyasa and Yin Vinyasa.
What made you follow Yoga discipline and what did Yoga
brought you into your life?
I attended my first Yoga class in 2012. I started as everyone else,
being very clumsy and disconnected despite many years of contemporary dance other disciplines.
There is something about how the practise brings such a deep transformation on many levels by just starting to be aware of the
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What inspired you to share the discipline of Yoga?
What inspired me to share the discipline of Yoga is the goodness that it brought into my life. The potential to heal oneself with our own resources. The way it helped me being more conscious, balanced and accepting in my life. My wish is just to support this process of self discovery and trasformation for others.
How did you found out about Hot Dog Yoga Studio?
I found out about Hot Dog Yoga Studio by driving through Sea Point, as it is very well advertised. I heard through a friend they were looking for teachers, so I went for an interview with Laura Santoni and Andi Berghouse. Their friendliness and frankness the light coming through the window in the main Studio just hooked me !
What brought you in Cape Town?
I fell in love with Cape Town the first time I visited in 2005. I am Italian and have family living here. It's the deep feeling of being home that made me stay after my second visit in 2011. Cape Town is such an ?inspiring, vibrant and nurturing city. Soul food!
Share a pill of wisdom to the world
You are worthy of yourself! There is infinite potential taking just a conscious breath.
"Beatrice mi ha trasmessa da subito un senso di protezione nella pratica, il suo costante tocco dopo la pratica nella mia posizione di relax mi fa sempre sentire coccolata !"
VANYA KEREN : Teacher of infused Yoga Styles.
What made you follow Yoga discipline and when have you realised to become a Yoga teacher?
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How did you discover Hot Dog Yoga Studio ?
I was friend with Hylton.
One word to describe Hylton Jaggard
Exceptional /Extraordinary !
Could you give me one pill of your wisdom ?
Stick to the TEA -(i.e. Be present) and PUT the glass down ! (i.e. let go) .
"Vanya mi fa danzare leggera nella forte pratica e mi entusiasma perché è sempre imprevedibile !"
MARK BLAND : Teacher of Hatha, Vinyasa, Swara / life coach /Owner of Satori Africa Travel Agency.
What made you follow Yoga discipline and what is the change that brought it into your life?
Having Always battled with anxiety, finding ways of dealing with this as well as the chaos of our every day 21st century life has always been somenthing I have focused on. However, like most people often talking about , it is way easier than doing something about it.And this was the case for
many years until I read an inpiring articles about a Yoga teacher and life coach, Sharni, in Cape Town (she was soon to be my first ever Yoga teacher as well as our wellness endorser at Satori!)
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How did you find out Hot Dog Yoga Studio?
One of my closest mentor and friend, (thanks to Yoga!) Will . He taught at Hot Dog Studio and told me how much I would love it and convinced me to come give it a try. A lot of my favourite teachers taught here so I decided to give it a go. After only 2 weeks of practicing there a whole group of us went off to Spirit Fest, a magical festival of yoga, meditation and awesome energies, and our camp site suddenly was a little crew of Hot Dog yogi's ! In the shortest time I suddenly had a new circle of friends and have been hooked to Hot Dog since. What also love is that whilst I try juggle the stress and workload of running my own small and new business I know I can come to the Studio a short while before the class or stay for some times with amazing teachers and students and leave smiling and inspired to get stuck back to work.
What has led you to evolve to teach Yoga ?
I have Always loved teaching and coaching people. I used to coach boxing and occcasionally
do some hospitality training. In fact I always say that I could rewind a little I would maybe consider
being a full time teacher. However when I did my Yoga teacher training it was not my goal to necessary teach Yoga as such. I loved to practice Yoga and so wanted to do the course (in Thailand)
before launching my business as a mental break but also as a way for me to deepen my practice.
I was convinced that if I taugh Yoga it would feel like a job and that passion and joy I got from it would lessen. But I was wrong! When I got back from my training I was practicing at the Shala in Gardens . I have been inspired through hte teaching of Tamsnin , the owner, but I didn't quite feel ready yet. It was with the move to Hod Dog Yoga Studio and with the pushing of Will, Justine , Andi and Laura that I then decided to give it a go.Teaching allows you to connect to people on a completely different level. Within in the Studio space, people who are so used to putting up walls in this world share with you their vulnerabilities, emotions and laughter. They move, breathe, sweat and meditate together on a common journey.
Teaching and practicing is addictive!
Give me one pill of your wisdom to share it with the world
Treat your life as your own saddhana and find stillness through your own mindfulness, no matter where you are. In the modern world it is vital for us to find "noice" getaway - somewhere to just be you -
"Mark mi fa sorridere e gioire ogni volta che pratico la sua classe di Yoga dopo tanto sudare e grazie a lui di recente sono riuscita a fare Pincha Mayurasana per la prima volta e questo mi ha fatto saltare di gioia".
CHRIS VLOK : Teacher of Bikram, Vinyasa, Power Vinyasa .
How did you embrace the journey of Yoga and when did you decide to share it as a teacher?
I first stepped into a classroom at the age of 19, I started off with practicing Bikram and soon moved
on to Vinyasa and Power Yoga, I noticed a change in myself both physically and emotionally, I had begun the process of freeing my soul and it felt amazing, I continued to practice for a few years until I reached a moment in my life where I found myself wanting to give the gift of Yoga to others who could also change their lives through the practice. I received my certification in June 2016 with a bright smile and eager heart. It has been my profession since that time and hopefully it will be for many more happy years to come.
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I found Hot Dog through the advice of a fellow yogi complimented the Studio on the level of teaching it had. I become intrigued as soon went to practice. It was just such a lovely place that I found myself wanting to go back. Through the lovely Joelle, who put me in contact with the owners, I was able to snatch up a well sought after position at the Studio. I have grown in the space and it has been journey of great joy to be a part of it. Candice and Christophe are just the best people to be in charge so I feel as though we are heading in a wonderful direction.
A pill of wisdom from your heart
Measure twice, cut once.
"Chris mi dona forza, velocità e quiete nello stesso tempo con la sua voce Angelica nel guidarmi in ogni sua classe costantemente".
MANDISA NDULI: Yoga Warrior - Teacher of Vinyasa , Power Vinyasa
What has led you to evolve to teach Yoga and what change brought into your life ?
I found Yoga in 2013.
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How did you discover Hot Dog Yoga Studio ?
I had heard about it from friends of friends who suggested I try it out. I decided to try it out and fell in love with the place and immediately got in touch with the owners, so I could teach and be part of the space. It feels like home, an open space with No judgment around.
Best words of wisdom for you
The best words my mom always used to tell me when I was not feeling confident in myself : " Baby girl, you don't owe anyone anything !!!!" I still tell myself this and it still motivates me.
"Mandisa mi fa stare coi piedi ben piantati a terra, mi stimola ad andare oltre la forza fisica , seguire le sue classi è una continua evoluzione. Con lei è stato feeling a prima vista."
RACHEL ESRA: Yoga Student - Student Master in public health and immunology
Tell me about you engaging Yoga discipline
I first encountered Yoga after visiting a friend in Perù and have gradually build up a more consistent practice over the years. Yoga brings me balance, stability and provides me with a space in which I can clear my head. More than anything it gives me an opportunity to find stillness amongst all the other things in my life. Yoga has also introduced me to amazing community of teachers all fellow students and has helped me cultivate an awereness of my actions the way in which I interact with Others.
How did you land in Hot Dog Yoga Studio and how do you feel about it ?
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One pill of wisdom to share it with the world
Be kind and understanding. There is huge amount of freedom that comes when you learn to take nothing personally.
"Rachel è mia compagna di classe nonché amica, dolce come il miele , genuina sempre accogliente col suo sorriso e abbraccio, è da coccolare.
Concludo la - " Part 2 " dicendo che Hot Dog Yoga Studio è uno Spazio in cui gli ingredienti sono Gioia, Pace e Armonia e chiaramente un pizzico di "sudata giornaliera " ci sta ci sta!! (così diciamo in italiano).
E non è finita qui ...... ci sarà "Il CUORE dello YOGA - "Part 3".... (TO BE CONTINUED) .......
Qui di seguito ringrazio umilmente con amore i miei sopra elencati insegnanti e compagni di classe :
Beatrice Asselta, Vanya Keren, Mark Bland, Chris Vlok, Mandisa Nduli, Rachel Esra, Hot Dog Yoga Studio.
Rosie Troveri
Thanks for sharing your love, energy, breath and movement with us all. It is always so special seeing you on your yoga mat and having that friendship! Xx
RispondiEliminaThank you, Thank you , thank you so deeply !!! For me the feeling it's the same ! Sharing Love and Energy around us is a blessing brights up like Diamond . Thank you for teaching me and for your beautiful genuine friendship. You all are my new family ! By the way you forgot to put in your Name : MARK ;-))))) YOU Always make me laught ;-))))
RispondiEliminaWho has been able to pick out the best service among those listed on this site?Wellness Studio for Mom