La Natura è la Nostra Fonte di Vita.
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Rosie Troveri |
Ho sempre amato e rispettato la natura sin da piccola. Vivevo molto tempo con mia nonna la quale mi ha insegnata ad alimentarmi con cibi sani provenienti dalla terra, a lavarmi con prodotti super naturali, ad ammirarla assaporando l'immensa energia che sprigiona . E così la natura è sempre stata fonte di benessere ed ispirazione per me.
Parlando di Madre Natura, vi voglio introdurre una nuova amica conosciuta allo Studio di Yoga che frequento, una persona Naturale come i suoi prodotti. Si proprio così, Nadia Rosenthal produce un Brand chiamato NATURAL YOGI, iniziato con un semplice ma straordinario Deodorante.
Sono rimasta affascinata dai suoi deodoranti naturali racchiusi in piccole confezioni di vetro portabilissimi in borsetta o in tasca ma ancora di più sono estasiata dalle loro profumazioni ricavate da olii essenziali di erbe, agrumi e fiori.
Ecco qui di seguito la sua " Naturale" Avventura :
NATURAL YOGI lounged at the beginning of 2017 in Cape Town, but it was the culmination of a long journey. Nadia grew up in the country side in the Eastern Cape. With her father as a farmer she knew Nature as her home. One of Nadia's dreams, as a childhood, was to have a shop "NO WASTE" were you could buy the products bringing your own containers to be filled . Living in the country side you are more connected with Nature than in the city and Nadia had the privilege to learn the Magic of Nature, how to plant a fruit tree and how long it takes for it to product fruit....
Nadia studied Sciences and Botany. She always loved uses herbs and natural remedies.
Her Magic Potions for life have always been Yoga and healthy eating to resource herself. Nadia started Yoga at the age of 14, it was a way to stay connected with something that was simpler than the material world and from there she started to teach Yoga .
Five years ago Nadia was looking for a natural deodorant as she was concerned about what she was introducing at the sensitive glandular area of the armpit - being fearful of breast cancer. One of her friend showed her a recipe that she found so amazing she immediately wanted to take it into the world. That is how natural yogi deodorant was born. But this was only the beginning. The amazing thing is that Nadia created the concept of a refill with packaging made of organic and biodegradable plastic. The refill pack includes the product labels so that you can re-use any container you might already have. Another product created by Nadia is the Breast and Chest massage oil made of Frankincense , Geranium and Grapeseed and Apricot Kernel oil. In fact the chest is where we accumulate lots of stress, anxiety and breast massage is proven to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Frankincense is a "Magic plant" and its resin is well known as anti-bacterial, anti-tumor qualities, but the real quality of its essencial oil is that elevates the conciousness, lifts the spirit and much more. Other products that I am in love with is her body butter made from the freshest of super moisturizing plant oils and her Vetivert Scrub made from the root of the plant.
Nadia is constantly looking for the perfection of a product and its functionality with regards to respect of nature and people, honouring the essence of Mother Nature.
Many thanks to you Nadia Rosenthal to have created this amazing Brand and to have shared it with the world.
For more on Natural Yogi and its goals and values visit Nadia's website : www.naturalyogi.co.za
Love Mother Nature as you Love Yourself.
Rosie Troveri
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