CAPE TOWN - The City of Angels
Eccomi qui di nuovo, sono stata via per un po' ad intervistare alcuni amici di Cape Town, qui dove io vivo, perché ho voluto renderli protagonisti in questo mio nuovo post. Mai pensavo venisse fuori un poema da tutti loro.
Voglio raccontarvi un po' di Cape Town questa stupenda Città a sud ovest del Sud Africa, definita dagli abitanti e dai viaggiatori "Paradiso".
Non sto a raccontarvi tutti i dettagli di quanto stupenda sia con la sua natura, i suoi oceani, le sue montagne e la sua terra rossa, perché potete trovare informazioni su internet o su riviste di viaggi o per molti di voi già toccata con mano in vacanza. Voglio descriverla con sentimento:Città creativa, tutto è ideato con arte, amore, composta da varie etnie e differenti religioni, ma quello che fa di Cape Town un Paradiso è la cooperazione e la comunione delle diversità, ed ecco che appare il mio titolo "La città degli Angeli ".
Vi racconto la storia di questi 4 Angeli , arrivati a me come amici veri in questo 2017, e non per caso nel mio cammino. Ognuno di loro mi ha donato un messaggio e voglio fare lo stesso con voi, sono dei giovani grandi creatori felici perché hanno seguito la voce del loro cuore.
(rilascio le interviste in lingua inglese.. siete pronti ad esercitarvi ?? )
Isabella Fong is an Amazing Woman and friend, always smily face with a peace attitude .
She arrived in Cape Town in 2005 from China her home native, leaving all behind comforts and family to find her true essence. Here she opened her shop created with love and simplicity importing such as East elements. She has always belived in quality so her products have been handmade by natural elements such as silk, precious gems, wood, ceramics. Isabella is also an artist she paints with ink . Following her heart she brought to knowledge this ancient tradition that here in Cape Town was still not known . In addition to her amazing business she brings with it inner values , love and beauty and counts to celebrate successfully her life in all its aspects by sharing it with the world.
Silk Kimono |
Louis Herick Phanzu is pure unconditional love, a Free Spirit. |
Herick&daughter Grace |
Soul |
In life he is an extraordinary artist (art is in his soul) qualified as interior designer. He completed his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Congo ,his native home. His big brother has been a guide to him , he helped Herick to see through his own heart , but the funny thing was that he was too focused to follow his brother's path as a medical doctor. This confirms me that we all have an Angel that direct us into our destination if we are open to receive. Herick decided to leave his country and his family behind to reach Canada but without knowing his intuition addressed him in South Africa and precisely in Cape Town in 2006 . His spirit confirmed that this was his home. Herick arrived with a lagguage full of colors, brushes and creativity. It wasn't easy for him but he was so determinated and believed in himself that after various sacrifices he achieved a place as interior designer working for a Great Company. I asked him why as interior designer? and he replied "so I can calm the artist in me to live life in balance" . Herick puts his heart in every creation, combining the precision he has in his labour with the warmth of his innate art giving comfort to the person who requests his work . At the end the client becomes a close friend . Herick is a good listener and this is a gift . His honesty, humbleness and gratefulness makes him a special friend for life.
Verona Dante is the most Pure Natural Soul I ever met.
She is South African and lives in Cape Town. Verona started to embrace her natural and pure revolution business when her daughter was born into this wonderful world. Her daughter had bad reaction with many of the so called natural products on the markets . Verona has an open intellect and started to think and question , at the end she understood exactly what ingredients were into everything that we consume and use on a daily basis. During this education she decided to grow brands with like-minded creative people. She wanted to be a part of the education in process and be part of planting the seeds in her fellow human's minds. Then she decided it was time to aquire her own natural and organic product store in 2017 and she grown in many others spaces and currently Verona is in the process of developing her own range of natural and organic products. I did ask to Verona how she felt when she decided to start her own business and I love share it with you all as a message : " Unfortunately and through no fault of anyone we choose to separete our souls intention with the likes of our ego, that is very much part of limited thinking. I experienced feelings of perhaps I cannot do this, I am not good enough, I don't have what it takes and the common one is you cannot incorporate what you love into your working world. I was very fortunate when I made my decision to have like-minded loving individuals around me that helped me understand that the universe is unlimited , it's only our ego's that make hides up the truth".
Verona Dante |
Verona learned that when you are doing what you want to do with love, purpose and pure intention , life is simple, life is this. Verona puts her truth and love in her store allowing to engage and educate her fellow humans being . I embraced her as a client and became an amazing friend of mine.
Amy de Castro is a Unic Magic Person.
Amy is South African and lives in Cape Town. Her business come up intuitevely , started with the university project in 2012. Her brand is called Bamboo Revolution. Amy creates watches made in bamboo, wood and natural leather strap. The business and brand evolved as she evolved as a person . It became a reflection of what Amy is , her value in her life style. I asked her why watches? And she replied " everybody needs time and a beautiful thing to play with".
Amy de Castro |
BambooWatch |
Having Amy as a friend it's like having a fairy of nature around me.
Agite costantemente in linea con il vostro Sé e con il vostro scopo di vita.
Basta avere il coraggio di placare la mente da pensieri turbolenti, timori, paure e così solo
ci si può ascoltare, è la vostra vera voce quella del vostro cuore.
I miei quattro Angeli vi faranno da esempio, per ritrovare l'Angelo che è in voi ed il mondo apparirà come un Paradiso.
Una serena notte a voi.
Rosie Troveri
Grazie Rosie per far conoscere Cape Town e i suoi angels! Pensando alle nuove sfide che ci attendono, ricordiamoci sempre che si è più coraggiosi di quello che si crede, più forti di quanto sembra e più intelligenti di quanto si pensa! Una serena giornata a tutti. Ciao! Thank you Rosie for getting to know Cape Town and its angels! Thinking about the new challenges ahead, let us always remember that you are more courageous than you think, stronger than it seems and smarter than you think! A serene day for everyone. Hello!
RispondiEliminaCiao Adam grazie per il tuo commento, è proprio così , ci passiamo tutti attraverso ed è entusiasmante quando realizzi che siamo tutti collegati , le sfide arrivano sempre al momento giusto, l'unione fa la forza ...buon Sabato :-))))
EliminaCiao Adam thank you for your comment, it's true so, we all going through and it'sthrilling when you realize that we all connected, challanges aways come at the right time when you can handle them. All in one.. happy saturday ;-)))
Thank you so very much Rosie
RispondiEliminaThank to you mio dolce Herick Angel to be part of it :-))))